
‘’It is not by what he does that he appeals to us, but by what he sees and feels.’’  The book is the analyst’s prized possession on Literature in form of narrative technique and critical illustration expressing her personal beliefs and disbeliefs on human characters and their respective thoughts prevalent in the society even today: “What, after all, is the creation? What is man; a creature fabricated by God; or is he the product of millions of years of evolution….....

The Immortal Fly

The Daughter writes, “I had asked Ma many times, but her ‘impenetrable personality’ and dynamic words to everyone with a tinge of smile as reflected on her face, she was reluctant to continue her conversation with me. I had thought, hence, I must not be dusty on my spoken words. Who shall I blame!” Based on true story of a family came from South Calcutta (India) to a suburb, on staying at home of the Daughter’s maternal grandmother’s house, this.....


The work of art in existing book has a personal and literary style progressed with visual image, and determined with emotions and self-analysis, also, written very distinctly on human works of immortal beauty and works of nature. An eminent reader of the book, with manner of expression, must act sometimes as a thoughtful human with his general intelligence of his age: the spectacle is the collective life of humanity. No human being knows the whole about himself: It reminds on.....

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